Frequency Specific Microcurrent

Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) is an exciting new way of treating nerve and muscle pain and many other conditions using specific frequencies and micro amperage current. There are hundreds of practitioners in the US, Australia, Ireland, and Canada using FSM to create miraculous changes in patients to reduce pain and improve health. Most of the time FSM produces immediate and dramatic changes in tissue that makes it an indispensable tool in treating pain and many other health concerns.

The frequency to reduce inflammation reduces inflammation in a blinded animal study more effectively than any drug ever tested in this animal model. No other frequency reduced inflammation at all. The frequency specific effect is remarkable and reproducible.

Microcurrent instruments are all approved under the general class of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulators (“TENS”) devices even though microcurrent is 1000 times less current than TENS. All references to clinical effects other than simple pain control refer to frequency resonance effects not the effects of microcurrent.

FSM has changed what is possible in pain management. FSM can treat chronic myofascial pain quickly, easily, and comfortably. Nerve pain from nerve traction injuries, disc bulges, herniations, herpes and shingles can be treated successfully by FSM Practitioners. There are protocols for kidney stone pain, disc and facet joint generated pain that give rapid and often lasting relief. The protocol for fibromyalgia associated with neck trauma offers pain relief, unprecedented changes in inflammatory cytokines and hope for the 2 million patients who suffer from this condition.

There are never any promises with medical procedures but Frequency Specific Microcurrent offers hope.

Come into Discovery Chiropractic and let’s discover what Frequency Specific Microcurrent can do for you.

The above information is excerpted from